Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daddy, Here I Am.

Day 3: John 17

Today’s Scripture passage is really interesting because the whole thing is Jesus’ prayer for his followers and for all believers.  Whenever you hear someone pray, you get an opportunity to see what’s really on their heart, as they talk to God.  This passage lets us see what’s on Jesus’ heart as he prays for his followers.  Here are some things to look for as you read: How important to Jesus is the unity of his followers? What is the purpose of getting all believers to work together? (v. 23) Jesus has given us the church as a place where we can join together to serve Him.  It’s also a place where He makes Himself known to us, so we can then make him known to others. This week, make an effort to begin, restart, or continue worshipping and serving Jesus with those in a local church.

As I retyped the devotion, I had to reread the scripture to get some umph in my writing for today’s (actually, yesterday’s) devo.  I started reading and remembered that the whole scripture is a prayer to protect God’s people, a prayer to protect believers.  The prayer doesn’t ask for guidance over everyone, it asks for guidance over the people who ask for it- His followers. 

God calls us His children.  Think about it- when you’re in a family and there are other children, you have siblings. You have a common ground with other people; you have the same rules as they do, the same guidelines, some of the same memories, lessons, and ultimately answer to the same person.  As believers of God, as His children, we do all of the same things. We ultimately answer to Him and we ultimately have a sibling-like bond with all of His other children.  Of course, we don’t think about it this way, but it’s true. Why wouldn’t we consider this? We owe something to each other as family members- and this is the promise that we have through Christ. Unity, fellowship, togetherness.  God blessed us with these privileges, but we don’t often use them.

I meant to go to church on last night on campus, but I had too much homework. Really, I worked on it for nearly 8 hours. I promise, no more than 30 minutes of Facebook breaks total. But I plan to go to church next week.  I’m planning around it, actually. Anyway, I’m making an effort to kick this God thing in gear. I want to meet with other believers. I want a family reunion…I want to come home…

…Just call me the prodigal. 

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