Day 2: Genesis 2:4-25
"What were you created for? What were you specifically designed to do? Each person has special gifts and talents and was created for a unique purpose, but there is also a general answer to these questions that fits everyone. Do you want to know what it is? Well, it’s NOT texting. So many teens love to text. Ever wonder why? Texting makes us feel connected to others. Posting on Facebook and Twitter has a lot of appeal too, because it’s all about social relationships. Bout sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the drama and log off feeling emptier than when we started. While texting, Facebook, and Twitter are fun options to digitally connect, it’s important that we invest in relationships in other ways, too. What about those who live for getting awards? From academics, to sports, to who’s who- all those are great, but they’re just not what we were all created for. Some live life like it’s all about making money. Having money is not a bad thing. But even if we plan to give it all away, it’s still not what we were created for. The one thing we are all created for is relationship. We were all created with a huge need for a relationship with God, and for the relationships with other people. The word “relationship” means “connection”. Can you think of some specific times when you’ve felt this strong need to connect with others? This is one reason why God created the Church- to build strong relationships with others who know Him and to worship Him together. If you don’t already have a church, try to find a local church you can plug into this Sunday. You need them and they need you."
Wow, God, really? I read this one as I was walking to class today. Every word got to me. I think it’s really interesting that God discussed texting, Facebook, and Twitter in this devotional. Way to target me hardcore. If you’re reading this, it’s most likely because I sent you a Facebook message letting you know about its existence. If you got that message, you know me well enough to know I’m on Twitter and love it. <Shameless, shameless plug….follow me. :)> I also text and BBM and all that good stuff. I get my emails on my phone and I’m never behind. I get it, God. I’m probably not living the best life I could.
But back to the main point of the devo- connection. I’m missing it. Really missing it. I think Ethiopia changed it all. I feel like I came back and was just alienated. I’m not surprised, really. Going on a trip like that and seeing the things I saw, smelling the things I smelled, hearing the things I heard, feeling the things I felt, and even tasting the things I tasted, it changed me in a big way. Now, please don’t get me wrong; I’m not in any way trying to blame my friends here for not getting it. It’s not something you “get”, you experience it. But anyhow, I’m missing connection.
I don’t want to live for a class or for an organization or even for my friends or for my family. All of those things are great and all of the people are superb, but they’re not what I want to define me. Right now, they’re probably what define me, I’m not ashamed to admit that. But it’s not what I want. I want God to define my life. I want to live for God.
Back to connection. In the devo, it specifically says, “Can you think of some specific time when you’ve felt this strong need to connect with others?” Uh…yeah. Right now, actually. I’m finding it in God, and I’d really love to find it with some of you. Tomorrow night I’m taking the challenge laid out in the devotion and I’m going to a church I’ve heard a lot about. I know some people who help with it and I’m bringing my angel-twin Sara with me. I’m really excited. I really want to connect.
Because I need them and maybe they need me.
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